
Independent Engineer

We advise banks, investment funds and financial institutions to understand the technical aspects of the projects they finance, so that they can make informed decisions in their regard.

Technical advice and expert reports for arbitrations and conflict resolution

We provide technical advice to lawyers and companies to resolve their conflicts related to construction; we analyze construction problems or defects, together with delays, fines and other related issues.

Due Diligence of projects for transactions (M&A)

We provide technical support to buyers of energy generation, mining and infrastructure projects in general, so that they understand the technical aspects and challenges of the transactions they carry out.

Risk analysis and root causes of events

We analyze risks and failures in projects and infrastructure. We have extensive experience in forensic analysis of the cause of events, both for insurers and for infrastructure owners who require it.

Technical and environmental audits

We carry out technical and environmental audits on projects according to the client’s needs. In the environmental field, we review compliance with local and international regulations, as well as general ESG standards of the market, or those specific to our clients.

Construction monitoring with a strategic view

We support the construction of projects with an external view, in order to avoid or reduce conflicts in construction sites, and to ensure that the project is executed in the best possible way.

What do we do?

How do we do it?

  • We earn and cultivate the trust of our clients.
  • We comply with our commitments.
  • We work in order to achieve long relations with our clients.
  • We provide clarity to the client.
  • We are honest and truthful.
  • We only take commitments that we know we can deliver.
  • We “speak the language” of the client.
  • We are flexible.
  • We are efficient.
  • We think “out of the box” for solving our client’s problems.